Writing – Self-publishing

Hope you enjoyed the photos I sent from Orlando.  It was a great week with my daughter Jeanenne and granddaughter Ashley here.  Robert and his team swam faster than their basic times at the National Cognitive Disabilities swim meet and we enjoyed the time at the YMCA in Orlando.  We also went to Miami for an event and have posted a video of an amazing exhibition at  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4mhkZFOKsQ&feature=plcp.  This Fire Rescue truck puts out a wonderful performance.

News this week was very exciting as I came home to catch up on my bills and found four deposits from the sale of my books.  It appears we get individual deposits for each title as well as each media (paperback and e-book).  Now if I write ten more books, and get the same amount of sales, I can retire from my day job!  E-book sales are outpacing paperback by 20 to 1.  Since I am also in the lending program, I receive revenue from “borrowed” books too.  I love this!  It makes all the things I give up to write worthwhile.

I was a beta reader for a friend these past two weeks.  What a fun time to read someone else’s stories.  She is writing a Young Adult Romance novel and I hope to share her name and the title as soon as she releases it.  We met at a writer’s critique group long ago. 

Another friend and writer, Luis Aponte,  is entering a film contest and I am sponsoring his entry.  His book is already out and is titled, “Death of a Gas Guzzler.”  It is non-fiction and everyone needs to read it and ask questions on why we are not using these environmental and economic measures.  He is also making a film from his movie and you can see trailers at http://www.deathofagasguzzler.com

There are so many changes in the publishing industry right now that it is hard to know what to do.  I couldn’t afford to wait for an Agent, after 14 months of trying, as my 70th birthday is coming up.  I will give both books free downloads again as I love to have new readers.  Look for the announcement next week on the date.

Keep writing, reading and enjoying life.





and look for my paperbacks under the same name at your favorite bookstore and library.


Free downloads: Mackenzie Scott Mysteries

 To celebrate my special needs son’s entry in the National Cognitive Disabilities swim meet in Orlando, Florida next week, I am offering both the first and second novels in the Mackenzie Scott Mysteries as free downloads on Saturday July 14, and Sunday July 15, 2012 for the Kindle.  If you don’t have a Kindle, download the free PC app at the same site and read the novels on your PC.   Here are the links:





You can always email me:  Kathy@kathymckenzierunk.com

Happy writing!



NANOWRIMOs – I wanted to share with you my experience with the free offer by being a “Winner” in National Novel Writing Month.  I just barely made the deadline to get my proof reviewed and 5 free copies orders before the deadline of June 30.  June 29th I ordered my free books.  Due to the July 4th holiday, I had to wait until Thursday, July 5 for them to arrive.  How exciting to see my Novel I wrote just past November in print.  Titled “Murder in the Caribbean”, it is the second novel in the Mackenzie Scott Mystery Series.   I had the offer in 2010 when I “won” but I couldn’t get my novel critiqued and edited in the seven months afterwards.  What made the difference between 2010 and 2011?  I hired an editor this year.  It worked so well I will do it again this November when I write “The Zoo Murders” or it might be called “Murder at the Zoo”.  There was a 1933 movie with the same name and a similar plot, but I think enough time has passed to revisit it.

In the meantime, I am almost finished writing “Murder in Miami”, the third book in the series.  It will be the longest of the three.  The first book was only 55,000 words and my beta readers said it was too short.  The second came in at almost 70,000 and this was perfect.  The third might go longer because I am just wrapping up the second act and starting the third and I am already at 53,100 words.  I feel a good mystery fits between 40,000 and 80,000 words.  Anything less is more of a novelette.  Anything more is too much to read (at least for me.)

I sold one e-book of Murder in the Caribbean the first day, but sales are now sluggish.  I gave away the first book in celebration of the release of the second last week, and got 140 new readers.  I’m happy with that.  I plan to have a free day soon for book two.  I might need to revise my marking plan to increase sales.  I’m rereading Jeffrey Marks’  book “Intent to Sell” which is a marketing guide for fiction, though mostly through traditional publishing rather than indie publishing.

I’m planning to have the first three packaged for Christmas for my family and friends, and I’m now investigating book signings at other fund raising events for non-profits.  I split the profit 50/50 with these sales.

Family is in next week so I’ll be extremely busy.  This weekend we’re going to the Miami Zoo’s $5 days and I’ll be refreshing my memory for book four, “The Zoo Murders,” to write in November.  Though fortunately, my memory is excellent from the last visit.  I just have problems remember what I did yesterday!

Please check out the samples on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or ask for my books at the nearest library.  If enough people ask, they’ll get some in (although I only make $.37 on each!)

Happy writing, don’t give up, see you next week.  By the way, my Kindle version was ready the following day after release of book two.  I’m getting better at this!  Feel free to email me at kathy@kathymckenzierunk.com if you need help that I might be able to give, or I have plenty of encouragement in my cabinet!




Kindle:  http://www.amazon.com/Murder-Caribbean-Mackenzie-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B008G1FJ1U/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1341596282&sr=1-4


Kindle:  http://www.amazon.com/Blood-Ties-Mackenzie-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B007RORPLE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1340979266&sr=8-2