Making a Movie Trailer for your book – part 2

Last week I gave you a general idea on how to make a movie trailer.  This week, I want to share mine with you and tell you the exact steps I took to do so.

My pc came with Windows Live Movie Maker.  I didn’t know how to use it so I just jumped in and tried to figure it out.  It is a lot like making a Power Point presentation that I had experience with, so I knew I could do it.

I started by clicking the button for “add videos and photos” since I knew pretty much what I wanted to do.  At this point, I had NOT made a storyboard or list, but I thought the “elevator speech” I had ready would be the basic outline.  If you don’t know about an “elevator speech”, it is something attendees at conferences learn to use if riding an elevator with one of the agents or publishers.  It is how to pitch your book in 30 seconds or less, the time you have to ride the elevator to their floor.

After adding a bunch of sample pictures and one video to the “collection,” I was able to  arrange them in any way I wanted by click and drag.  Getting the hang of it now, I choose to add music.  There was a sample audio that came with my pc so I used that and it lined itself up over the photos in the pane.  Note that if you are using Windows Movie Maker (for other versions of the operating system), you may have areas at the bottom of your screen where you drag your photos and the music.  Next, I tried to add a webcam video of myself, but I couldn’t figure out how, so I just loaded a picture of myself.  Then I played around with the Title, Caption and Credits option on the menu.  Under Video Tools menu option, I was able to select how long I wanted each photo/video to appear.  I chose 15 second duration.   The same options and more are available under the Music Tools option, including fade in and fade out.  Under Animations, I could choose the transition from one photo to the next.  There are many, but I selected “Dissolve rough.”  I was getting excited now.  There are pan and zoom options , which I left at the default since I like my dissolve as it is.  I didn’t use any of the Visual Effects but you may like them.  Now I played what I had and immediately knew I was ready to try the real thing.

I made up my storyboard/list.  Here’s what I outlined (but note I did not follow it exactly in the final product):   Storyboard for Blood Ties

Now I didn’t find all these photos free, but I found some that were better at  I only purchased one photo for one credit (the way they sell photos), which was about $.20.  It is the one of the dead body that I liked better than the free small white shoes.  I had to search the internet to find the free music at

I tested the waters by creating a movie for email, which worked beautifully and was a relatively small file.  I also uploaded to Facebook, which was a huge file (30 mg.!)  I don’t have any DVD’s at home, but that I will try next.

I hope this helps you to make your own trailer.  I can’t wait to start the next one “Murder in the Caribbean” and I already have ideas for the book I’m starting next “Murder at the Zoo.”

Have fun!  I did!  If you need help, email me at    Click on any of the parts of my storyboard list to view the video on YouTube.


Making a Movie Trailer

I’ve been so wrapped up in the possible hurricane Isaac, I almost forgot to post for the week.  I live a few miles north of Ft. Lauderdale, but we still expect the storm to hit.  All our events for Special Olympics swimming at Indian River have been cancelled.  We’re all disappointed. More time to work on my trailers!

Publicity and marketing are important to all authors today, whether they are traditionally or self-published.  One of the things we can do to help our efforts to get the word out about our project is to make a book trailer.  An eye-catching trailer uploaded to YouTube or Google Videos or even your own Facebook site can introduce your work to new audiences.  You can add it to your author pages, website and blog.  And you can do it free!

If you’ve been reading my blogs you know  ‘free’ is the buzz word to attract my attention.  I must admit since receiving royalty checks for my two books, I do occasionally spend some cash.  But as little as possible! 

The first thing is to make a plan for your trailer.  Will you use your book cover as the title page, what pictures or video will you add and how will you manage the credits?  These are the minimum plans you need to make.  Since I’ve worked in television in the past, I’m plan storyboards for my trailers, but you can make a list of what you want to include.

 At about the same time, you need to have access to Windows free Movie Maker (or some other software.)  It is downloadable on the internet at the Microsoft Windows site if you don’t already have it.  It comes with Windows Vista.  Be sure to check the system requirements.

Using the help menus, review the basics of using the software to make a movie.  Understand the different panes and what the terminology means.  Or, just jump in and try to figure it out—whatever works best for you.  There are some helpful sites on the internet that can explain generally how to use Movie Maker.  Search for ‘Making a Movie Trailer.’

Once you have your plan, have gathered all your clips, photos, or videos and have purchased or own the copyrights for them, it is time to start your trailer.  Import your media into Movie Maker or similar software.  Choose to add and format your title from the menu, add your clips, photos or videos by dropping them into the timeline of Movie Maker and add your audio.  Then you can format the transitions (change from one to the next), review the amount of time it will play, then save your movie. 

You are now ready to upload to all the different sites.  If you have problems, review the help to correct them.  I found I had a problem ‘playing’ my movie on Windows XP, even though I had no trouble creating it.

I didn’t have to purchase any photos or videos as I got them from  There are many  free downloads.  You can take your own pictures if you have a high resolution camera, draw your illustrations if you have the talent, or get a friend to help.  You can also hire a company to make one for you but when I checked out the costs, it was around $3,000 for one.

After some fine tuning, I’ll post what I made for my first book, “Blood Ties:  The Souvenir Killer.”

Have a great week and keep writing!



Self Publishing moves into the mainstream

I received a notice this week from a site I track in the self-publishing industry.  It announces that  Pearson acquired Author Solutions, Inc.  the parent company of Xlibris (self-publishing company.)  Pearson is part of the Penquin Group, one of the best-known English-language trade book publishers.   This has validated the self-publishing industry as part of the publishing mainstream. 

It can only mean more choices for those of us who are “independent” publishers.  This is a good thing, in my opinion.   I am very happy with Amazon’s Create Space, and I will be testing the waters at Smashwords very soon.  But, more choices give us more control of our work, something that has been lacking in traditional publishing up to now.

What I, and many indie publishers need,  is more marketing options.  While there are services that are available to purchase for a lot of money, until we make it big, we might not have the funds to use them.  I read every book I find on marketing for traditional mainstream or self-publishing paperbacks as well as e-books.  The time required is my biggest problem since I have a full-time job.  I still have a long way to go to even finish my written marketing plan.

If my dream is ever to come true to be able to live on my earnings as an author, I know I must take advantage of every opportunity to present my books.

In the meantime, keep writing!  Don’t be discouraged by the naysayers, and search for your target market.  Whether self-publishing or not, the industry is changing constantly and we’ll all get our chance to show what we have.

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is coming up soon.  If you haven’t tried to write 50,000 words in a month, try it.  It is a good test of whether we have it in us to meet deadlines, come up with a good story, and can we actually finish a novel.  This will be by third time for “Murder at the Zoo.”  I already have a good premise, basic plot and a draft of the cover and I will finish my basic outline before November 1.  Outlines work best for me, I tried it without one and had a lot of trouble keeping on tract.  Whichever works best for you—good luck.

Email me anytime –

See my books and author page by searching at for Kathy McKenzie-Runk.




Free books

Today is my birthday and to celebrate I am offering free e-books of both in the Mackenzie Scott Mystery series.  Downloads are moving very slowly, so please, follow the links and download your free copies.

I got a nice birthday gift in the mail, Luis Aponte’s DVD for “Death of a Gas Guzzler.”  His three-minute video is an entry in a film festival contest.  Luis listed me as his sponsor and we are both thrilled with the results.  Look for announcement in the future on how the video placed.

I am taking off from work to have a great lunch with my son, Robert.  My friend Anne gifted me for Golden Corral, one of my favorite places.  Notice in book one, Blood Ties, my sheriff goes there with his daughters often.

My current mystery is almost finished and my head is spinning with all I need to do before publishing it.  I’ve been stealing time while my son swims twice a week and bowls once a week.  Though last night at bowling the noise was so loud I couldn’t concentrate to write this post, so I’m using my lunch time to let you know my status.

There’s a great article in Writer’s Digest this month that has fantastic tips for making our writing better.  I keep reading it over and over, trying to integrate the information into my brain.  I’ll still use it for the second draft of the current novel.

In the meantime, keep writing.  Wish me a happy birthday on Facebook, and enjoy the day.




In my third book, “Murder in Miami” soon to be released, the first line is, “Astonished, Mac hung up the phone.”  Yesterday I had my own moment of astonishment.  While reviewing my sales for July, the first month for the second book and fourth month for the first, I found 296 sales in the United Kingdom!  I don’t know if it is because so many Americans are in England for the Olympics and wanted to have something to read to escape the pressure of the events, or if it is a fluke!  I also sold some copies in France.  Go figure!

The sales in these foreign markets certainly makes it worthwhile to sign up for Amazon’s “extended distribution” at a cost of $25.  The downside is that foreign markets only pay 35% royalties.  But I am happy as my marketing strategy is to get as many new readers as possible to identify my target market.  (I must admit having deposits into my account for sales is extremely exciting too!)

I finalized the cover for the third book and I am including it this week.  My deadline for releasing it is October 31 as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) starts November 1 and I plan to write the fourth in the series during November.  So I must be finished the third!  I work well with deadlines, but I know some people do not.  Whatever works best for you is what is right.  An additional incentive is to have a beautiful gift package of the first three novels as Christmas Gifts for my family, when I go home for the holidays to Pennsylvania.  When I get finished murdering in Florida, I plan some in Pennsylvania Dutch country.

I’ve been bantering around titles for the fourth book as the setting is at the zoo.  I haven’t decided yet, but some possibilities are “Murder at the Zoo,” “Murder in the Zoo,” “The Zoo Murders,” “The Zoo Killings,” “Killings at the Zoo,” or something else.  I welcome your suggestions, too.  Just email me at

I thank all of you for your support and sales.  Mark your calendars now for another set of free downloads for my birthday, August 10 and 11.  Remember you only need a PC if you don’t have a Kindle, the app is free on Amazon.   Here are the links:

Also find the paperback versions at:

If you need a beta reader or free critique, just email me at  Keep writing, reading and enjoying life.